Follow These Tips For a Smooth Recovery After Restorative Dental Treatment

If you are planning to receive restorative dental treatment in the near future, we can offer some excellent recovery tips to help you recover after the procedure. Naturally, our dentist will provide detailed post-op instructions after your treatment, but these tips should give you a good idea of what to expect with recovery. Dental Fillings Placing a dental filling is... read more »

Why You Need to Visit Your Dentist If You’re Pregnant

Were you aware that the first trimester of pregnancy is when fetuses are most vulnerable? This has caused many women to cancel dental cleanings during their first trimester, but the truth is that oral work does no damage to children during this phase of growth; there have been no studies or evidence showing so. In fact, not visiting the dentist... read more »

The Different Types of Mouthwash You Can Use to Help Your Oral Health

Did you know there are different types of mouthwash that can do different things for your oral health? Well, it’s true. This can make choosing a mouthwash confusing and even a bit overwhelming. The good news is that our dentist, Dr. Phillip White, is here to help you by telling you about the different types of mouthwash available. That way... read more »

Take Care of Your Crowns Today!

There are about 2.3 million implant-supported oral crowns shaped yearly here in the US, meaning there is a vast number of patients seeing dentists to defend their chompers. While crowns are helping to defend your teeth, who is protecting your crowns? You are! Dental Corner suggests you follow this list of tips to maintain your dental crowns for years to... read more »

Get Your Best Fall Smile with these Dental Tools

If you want a strong and healthy smile this fall season, there are certain habits you need to follow. One of the main goals you want to strive for is a diligent oral hygiene routine. When striving for this goal, you need the right dental tools. To help you make sure you have the best oral hygiene tools possible, our... read more »

Linking Your Dental Health to Your Overall Health

Did you know your dental health is linked to your body’s health? Many studies show certain dental issues can be associated with serious medical problems, and this is why our dental professionals here in Wichita, Kansas, strongly encourage you to take good care of your teeth and gums to prevent these issues. Gum disease is one dental issue found linked... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Dental Corner, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles. Each... read more »